The natal or birth chart is a very powerful tool to know your innate potential, your strong and your weak parts, your talents and the points to fortify. The position of the planets on the moment you were born determines the characteristics you will have and even your appearance. And from the figure of aspects you can see the scripts that will repeat in your life. The qualities that are given to us when we are born is not something static, they depend a lot on the self development of the person. As a therapist I use the natal chart when I have to get more information about problematic of my client. This is one more tool to understand the lessons that have to be learned from every situation that life presents to us and a support in the therapeutic process.

The position of the planets on the moment you were born determines the characteristics you will have and even your appearance.

For the confection of a birth chart there are needed the exact time and place of birth.

For each individual client I do a complementary nathal chart.